Emitez Dot Com Will Cover Tech too!

July 10, 2013 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Blogging Guide

Hello Emitez readers today I have  decided to add another category to my blog which is Technology.

the reason why I want to cover tech on my blog is that because I have a huge interest in technology I love Smartphones,gaming consoles,laptops,smart tvs etc….

Blogatize was always a blog about making money online,Seo,blogging now will cover tech too 😀

here are the topics Blogatize dot com will cover



1- Smartphones reviews,news and updates

-Laptop reviews, news and updates

-gaming consoles reviews, news and updates

-digital cameras reviews, news and updates

and related stuff.

Your opinion

Now Blogatize is a tech&blogging blog I’ll upload the new logo tomorrow  😀

Do let me know your opinions and point of views they will be highly appreciated!

If you want to Guest post on Emitez dot com do it from here



Hire me as a Ghost Writer

Blogging resources

waiting for your positive comments thanks 😀

Show Some Love
  1. Chity Anis said on July 15, 2013 9:29 am:

    Yeah the main reason why I’ve decided to add a new category on my blog because Blogging&making money niche has started to lose it’s valour moreover I love tech and I’ve been thinking to start a new blog about Tech, then I decided to just add a new category
    thanks for stopping by 🙂

  2. Babanature said on July 15, 2013 3:33 pm:

    Hello Anis,
    There is nothing wrong in combining tech and blogging tips. To me, i feel they go along together just fine. Just keep it exclusive and keep it cool and you’ll sure make it. Thanks 🙂

    1. Chity Anis said on July 18, 2013 10:25 am:

      Thanks for stopping by Babanature 🙂
      I’ve already published the first post about Tech
      hope you like it
      thanks for coming by!

  3. Zobin said on July 15, 2013 8:58 pm:

    Thanks Anis for letting know. I’ve pleased to learn Emitez decided to write informative and educational blog regarding technology. There are plenty for info needed to learn about tech these days so many technological based devices are coming up and I hope readers of this site will be delighted to find tech category as well. Please write a blog about upcoming Sony Playstation 4 various pros and cons, I’ll be back again to check out new blog on tech. 🙂

    1. Chity Anis said on July 18, 2013 10:27 am:

      I’m planning to make a post about the playstation 4 I really love it so I can write about it!
      thanks for coming by!

  4. Hicham said on July 18, 2013 12:27 am:

    Hi Anis,
    Good idea, i wish you good luck.
    May be you can also talk about Cars and motos, Gadgets, hosting…

    1. Chity Anis said on July 18, 2013 10:29 am:

      thanks a lot Hisham I’ll cover stuf I’m interested and I love 🙂
      please Bro help me win the contest in the link below by sharing and commenting 😀

  5. ebimablog said on August 3, 2013 3:12 pm:

    Nice move bro,am sure you will do great just like you are doing in the money making category,look forward to your great articles from tech

  6. Shaun Hoobler said on October 1, 2013 12:30 pm:

    That’s a great idea. As an absolute tech lover, there’s more reason for me to visit your blog. Waiting for your first tech post.

  7. Sebastian said on November 2, 2013 2:48 pm:

    What is the life span of a mac laptop? I’ve had a regular macbook for 3 years now and it freezes all the time. I’m thinking about buying a new one. What do you recommend? Something that’s not too expensive.