Effective Tips to Sky Rocket Your Blog loading speed !

March 26, 2013 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Blogging Guide

SEO and traffic are the most important thing for a blogger and his blog, a blog without traffic is just worthless you really need to have a strategy to drive traffic to your website.

Don’t miss: 2 very easy ways to drive traffic to your blog

blog loading speed
blog loading speed

There are many ways to attract readers  like Providing engaging content to your audience ,cool  blog design and of course blog  loading speed which is a point that you shouldn’t miss .

Don’t miss : powerful tips to make your blog rock !

If your blog is very slow and takes lots of time to load it will simply irritate your visitors and make them leave your blog in the first place, which will result in a higher bounce-rate and almost no organic traffic from the search engines which is very bad for your SEO

In the other hand if your blog loading speed is fast . Google and your audience will certainly love it. 

That’s why you should work hard to make sure your blog loading speed is quite good and responsive to your audience .

 there are many ways to increase your blog’s loading speed 

If you want to increase the loading speed of your site just read on :

First thing you should check your current loading speed 

here are two awesome tools for checking your blog current load speed 

Google Pagespeed insights
Gt Metrix

If your loading speed score is above 75% your blog is ok ,but if it is under 75% you really should read the rest of this article.

How to boost your blog loading speed

1#Compress CSS Codes 

There are many bloggers  who exaggerate in adding too many Css codes because they want to make their blogs pretty awesome and unique, it very good to have a beautiful and impressing blog design but you should make sure that all these css codes don’t slow down your blog  loading speed !
If you added many Css codes before and you don’t know how to compress them Don’t worry ! here is an easy solution.
Use this awesome tool to compress Css codes on your template 
Css compressor

2# Increase Page Load Speed Using Cloudflare

Cloudflare is an awesome service which allows you to increase your blog speed and protect it from bots and scammers
Just head to Cloudflare and supercharge your website !

3#Don’t stuff your WordPress blog with useless plugins

If you host your blog on WordPress make sure you limit the number of plugins otherwise you are going to make your blog load slowly like a turtle.

4# reduce the number of images in your articles 

If you are writing an article make sure you don’t add too many images , add  only one or 3 images , so you don’t slow down the page loading speed. make sure you optimize and resize the images .

5# Don’t use more than one subscription box in your blog

There are some bloggers I know that use more than one subscription box ,one in the sidebar and the other pops up whenever you enter the blog.
this will make your blog load very slowly which will surely make your readers quit your blog immediately.

6# regularly check your blog speed performance

you need to regularly check your blog speed performance , if it suddenly starts lagging, make sure you use the tools mentioned in the beginning of this post !

Final words

Well, If you follow these simple tips you will surely increase the blog speed of your blog while optimizing your blog’s SEO and decreasing the bounce rate !
Well if you follow these tips then you are going to hit three birds with one stone 😀
how is it the loading speed of your blog? do you know any other tips to increase blog loading speed?
I Hope you enjoyed this article, if yes please make sure you share it and comment on it with your valuable ideas and tips thanks for reading .
Don’t miss: make your blog user-friendly and increase profits


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  1. Web Design in Kenya said on March 30, 2013 7:32 am:

    One can use tools.pingdom.com to find out the website’s speed.

  2. Chity Anis said on March 30, 2013 4:48 pm:

    Yeah thanks for mentioning this tool have a great day ahead 😀

  3. Ally said on March 30, 2013 9:27 pm:

    My problem was not resizing my images before uploaded them, after I did that my speed increased a bit

    1. Chity Anis said on March 30, 2013 11:22 pm:

      Yeah Ally lots of images makes a blog load slowly thanks for coming by 😀

  4. Koj T. Tajo said on April 3, 2013 2:58 pm:

    Hey Anis. A reader of mine just commented on my blog that my site is on slow side. It alarmed me. And thanks that I got a post on that here. I am not sure why it is slow. Would apply your points to maintain good site speed and guess need to contact my host also.

    1. Chity Anis said on April 3, 2013 7:35 pm:

      Glad you found my artile Useful bro have a great day ahead , If your is very slow contacting your host might be a good idea 😀

  5. Chity Anis said on April 4, 2013 10:57 am:

    Hmm You should improve it bro 😉

  6. ige said on April 16, 2013 5:10 pm:

    Exactly what i have been looking for,got lots of complain that my blog is slow,and am going now to implement few of these tips
    Thanks bro

    1. Chity Anis said on April 16, 2013 6:00 pm:

      Glad you found it useful I hope these tips gonna be of help ! bro

  7. Chity Anis said on April 20, 2013 12:12 pm:

    Yah you are right David thanks for coming by bro 😀

    read the post below for more 😉