How To Monetize your Facebook Account

November 13, 2012 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Blogging Guide

facebook is the most used  and most popular social network in the world. almost everyone has a facebook account, we use facebook to keep up with our friends,relatives,classmates… 

Wingsplay - Make money, with Facebook, Twitter and your blog!

facebook is very important for us and we love it. but would you like to make some extra monthly money using just your facebook account? yes you can thanks to

facebook logo
facebook logo (Photo credit: marcopako )

Wingsplay   which allows you to put ads on your facebook status and then make easy money with your facebook account .some of my friends are already making up to 60$ per month doing things that they will do anyway wingplays allows to monetize your twitter and blog also.

 i hope you like my post and i hope you start making money online monetizing your facebook account. 

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