How To Really Make Money Blogging
November 20, 2012
Blogging Guide
One of the great things about blogging is that you can write about whatever you want, you can blog about your daily activity,your hobbies,your family,your friends or just sharing your experiences and making your voice heard.
but in order to make money from your blog you have to keep posting content and driving traffic and never give up blogging if you keep up blogging you’ll make money if you stop you wouldn’t make any money.
to start blogging you need a blog or website but i suggest you to start with blogger because it’s so easy to set up, yes it’s better to buy a domain and hosting service but it’s also better to start with blogger to get experience.
When you get enough experience you can get your custom domain and hosting service, i wrote a post before about how to get a free one year .com domain for free .
a blog is a easy way to generate income many bloggers are already making money with their blogs. first set up a blogger blog,choose your template,start blogging about something you love.
when you have enough posts it’s time to monetize your blog. you can monetize your blog with adsense, infolinks and amazon they work well all together.
if you want to make money with your blog you have to drive traffic here’s some simple ways to generate traffic for your blog easily.
write articles and link back to your blog on articles directories like Ezine articles and article base.
promote your blog to the top blog directories like Dmoz and blogcatalog. submit your rss feed to feed shark.
make a facebook page for your blog,
comment on other blogs and link back to your own blog.
write articles on hubpages and Squidoo and link back to your blog.
if you keep up blogging and driving traffic everyday you can expect to make money every month from your blog.
There are a few different ways you can make money from blogging. Thanks for sharing this news.