How To Teach Your Kids The Basics Of Business
December 5, 2013
Blogging Guide
It’s never really too early to teach your children about business. The key is to get them excited about it early. Then, they will in time think of ways to learn more about business and get involved in it themselves later. The key is to foster this excitement in them when they are young, but also to teach them good habits.

Here are a few ways you can do this.
Time Management
Time management is a skill that everyone needs. But it’s especially important for people who want to pave a new path for their own business. Fortunately, this is also a relatively easy thing to teach children. In fact, there are plenty of time management apps out there that make it especially easy since many children are really into their phones and apps these days. But if you teach children to really value their time and spend it wisely, this will be a skill they will use the rest of their lives.
Marketing is a hugely important part of most any business endeavor One fun way to teach kids about this can often be to have them try to market anything themselves. For example, if they decide to run a lemonade stand, or a bake sale or garage sale, than this is the sort of event that would be great to market online by showing them about posting stuff on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and so on. This can be a fabulous way to teach children about how marketing tends to work. That way, when they see how many people came to their event due to the social media, it will instill in them the idea about how powerful internet marketing can be. And if they have trouble with it at first, it can be a great way to show the mutual benefit of sharing things with other people, retweeting things on Twitter, and getting the same done
Cash Flow
Teaching children about the value of money and being frugal is a time honored tradition for parents. But it’s even more important if you have high hopes for your children in terms of business, and you want to teach them about it. There are a lot of different ways to do this. Past apps like Oink should give you an idea of some of the best ways to do this. If you give kids an incentive for earning and keeping money, a goal to work toward, they generally will. There are many stories all over the Internet of children earning their own iPads and other gadgets all by themselves with help from their parents. There’s the one story about a teenager who wanted to earn enough to buy her own car, and instead ended up creating online business involving clothing that became worth millions of dollars. So, the point is that giving your child attention regarding getting them thinking about working hard can have seriously positive effects in the long run. But it’s also important to teach them about not spending too much too early, which is why an allowance can help, so that children can see what happens if they spend money without earning enough themselves to keep positive cash flow.
One easy way to teach children the ropes of any online business is to give them some templates to try out. For example there are website design templates by 1and1 and other similar services online that you can check out. It helps to let children play around with them and really make them their own.
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