Best Plugins to Create Your Own WordPress Theme !

February 21, 2013 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Blogging Tools

 Create Your Own WordPress Theme
 Create Your Own WordPress Theme

There are thousands of WordPress themes/templates out there for you to play with, but some people prefer to make their own theme. It makes sense that a person whom is willing to dedicate hours of their free time in order to blog for no monetary gain, that they should make the blog as tailored to themselves as possible. Here are some WordPress plugins you can use to help you create your own WordPress theme, but remember that if you are making your own WordPress theme from nothing, that you will also need to add in a lot of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) factors in order to have your blog rank highly on search engine results pages. It is said that some WordPress themes can be optimized up to 90%, which is impressive considering that most sites do not come close to that number.

Development Theme Test

This is a plugin and as the name suggests, it helps you to test the themes you have just developed. This plugin will allow you to create staging and development environments that are very handy when creating your theme. You are able to see previews of pages before you publish them on WordPress, but this app allows you to see themes in full before they become active.

WP Orbit Slider

This is a plugin that operates by using post type and taxonomies. It allows you to insert a slider through pasting short-code into the content. It makes a slider that is very highly compatible with most coding.

Wapple Architect

If you do not fancy the Mobify plugin then you can try this one. It is a briefer plugin that can help you to make your WordPress website more mobile friendly in just minutes. There are lots of features and some of them will come into play as you are creating your theme.

WP Fluid Images

This is a Plugin that adds more flexibility to WordPress blog images through loading a JQuery string. The string will examine all the .post or .page divs you use for image tags automatically. The fixed width and height attributes will be replaced automatically with a style attribute. It makes your images look more stylish, efficient and simple.

FitVids for WordPress

If you have based your WordPress blog on videos then the FitVids tool will help your blog look more sleek, even if the height and width of the video seems a little bit too awkward to fit in correctly. It is a plugin that is able to make your website more responsive whilst helping it to not suffer from loading time problems.

More Fields

This will add further fields to your Write/Edit page. It is a plugin that has different input fields, which will enable you to add more fields to your next post.

Ultimate Coming Soon Page

This is a good theme creator if you have a blog that is coming soon. Many people use it as a page coming soon, but you can purchase the domain name and then take as much time as you need in creating either the post or the whole blog. This tool is good because it works on both desktop computers and mobile devices, in that the look of the page is almost identical.

Responsive TwentyTen

This tool is a plugin and will help you to create a responsive website. It helps you to create a theme that is responsive. Your WordPress blog will work just as well on a desktop computer as it will on a mobile device.

WordPress Mobile Pack

This tool is good for making your WordPress blog more mobile friendly. Many of the tools are there to help you improve the blog after it has been created and it is up and running, but some of the tools and functions will help you to create a better WordPress theme.


This is a plugin that will make your WordPress blog more mobile friendly. It displays mobile phone browsers and changes its display to suit. Again, a lot of the features are there to change things after the blog has been created, but some of the features will help you to create your theme.

Clean Options

This plugin will allow you to manage your wp_options table. The plugin has a lot of safety features built in that are going to help prevent any accidental deletion of table rows that you may need to continue error free operation of your blog.


Matching your theme to your guestbook is always a good idea. Here you can see what your guestbook may look like before you have even created your theme.

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