How to Blog The Natural Way

November 14, 2014 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Blogging Tools

Blog The Natural Way

The pen is mightier than the sword. This is especially true with blogging. The power of one individual’s words are unimaginable. They have caused wars, revolutions, freedom, love, happiness, tears, sadness, grief, contemplation and so much more.

Today, the way for the common man to express himself is through blogging. When you start out, you can have no idea how many people your words will reach. However, if you put up a blog and make it accessible to internet users all over the world then the possibilities are endless. When you write a blog, you have the freedom to say whatever you want.

It can be about food, how you felt that day when you woke up in the morning and what emotions came over you throughout the day, your views on other people’s decisions and what you would have done. It should come as no surprise to you that there are thousands of hugely popular blogs that get thousands of visitors each day.

The best way to begin a blog is to just write. You don’t have to have this elaborate plan of what you are going to write about. Just write about whatever is happening in your life each day, and it will connect with plenty of others throughout the world. One day, it might be that you were inspired by a new song that jut came out. Another day, it might be about a meal you had and yet another day, it might be about a movie you watched or a new television series you started.

So you see, when you write an honest blog, just about you and your life, it will in some ways tie in to popular subjects, and you will definitely get many hits without even trying. This is called a popular blog; the kind that people will stop to read. Your blog will end up having movie review, reviews of TV series. You can share with the world how a new song made you feel. You can share your recipe for biscuits or what you like to add to your coffee. You may do more to stop a war by enlightening people through your words alone.

There are ways you can make money through your blog as well. By having adds posted on your blog site and adding links to online shopping sites that your readers may be interested in, you can get paid every time one of the visitors to your site clicks on any of these. You can sell your own products or music or put up links to products on Amazon or eBay. Once your blog becomes more popular, you will have people contacting you begging you to mention their brand or product, and this works both ways. Oftentimes, you will see a blog where the writer has mentioned someone else’s blog. This kind of featuring is a lot like advertising.

Some Ideas

Blog The Natural Way
Blog The Natural Way

You could have a blog where you focus on something new each week or each day of the week depending on how often you update. Many individuals’ blogs have ended up being featured on the news. But your blog doesn’t have to be anything that you wrack your brain to create. You could simply have the heading of your blog be something like The Upcoming Elections. Then, you would write your views on who you think should win and why followed by whether you think they will actually win. Then you could ask your readers to voice their opinions too. This sort of interactive blogging is the best kind because others are not just sitting there listening to you talk so to speak but rather having a conversation with you.

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