6 Powerful Tips to Help You Make Money Online Starting Today

April 15, 2013 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Make Money Blogging

This is a Guest Post contributed by  Ryan Biddulph from  Cashwithatrueconscience.com

I remember back 3 years ago. I went bankrupt. I was being sued by creditors. I had 4 cents in my pocket. 4 pennies. Fast forward 3 years. I returned from a 2 year trip through Southeast Asia just last week. I lived in tropical paradises like Bali, Phuket and Penang, soaking up some of the most gorgeous scenery on earth.

make money online
make money online

I made the jump from broke joke to prospering online entrepreneur because I learned how to make money online. You too can prosper online by using simple and practical tips on a daily basis. Hey, I am a fired ex-security guard. If I can do it, anybody can do it. The secret? The key behind prospering online? You need to be hungry. You need to possess desire fire.

Obstacles arise. Imagine me 3 years ago. I was faced with the stresses of having no money yet I worked daily, writing blog posts and building my network to grow a successful online venture. I could have quit the online bit, sprinting to a 9-5 job to pay the bills, but I was hungry to succeed online no matter what.

Benefits of Reading this Post

  1. Travel the world while generating passive income
  2. Begin making money online quickly
  3. Cut your online learning curve by years

OK, let us dive into the tips.

1) Spend 30 Minutes or More Daily on Personal Development

Have you noticed some bloggers or online entrepreneurs making the same mistakes for years? This crowd thinks a certain way, feels a certain way, acts on these thoughts and feelings and gets the same poor results. To make money online you need to think and feel like a rich person. This takes mental work.

Unless you spend 30 minutes or more daily meditating, visualizing and affirming your success, you are likely to fail online, because most people think poverty and feel poor in terms of money.

You WILL ignore tips 2 through 6 unless you think and feel positively, and thinking and feeling positively means spending time working on your mental tools.

I spend 1 hour daily either meditating, praying, affirming or visualizing, so I act on good advice, when I see it. Do the same. Listen to a guy who went from having 4 cents to traveling Southeast Asia for 2 years. Spend time working on your mental tools before touching the computer to make money online.

2) Make Good Friends Daily

I found Anis’ blog for the first time 1 hour ago. I read his most recent post, left a helpful comment and immediately wrote this guest post. I intend to become good friends with Anis. Why? Because rich people build networks and everybody else looks for work, as Robert Kiyosaki says.

If I help Anis by leaving a good comment and writing a practical, valuable guest post, I feel great. He is likely to develop a relationship with me, and me with him, and we both promote one another, and leverage our presence, and reach many more people by helping other another.

I tweet his post, the post goes out to my 23,000 targeted twitter followers. If we were not friends, his work would not have been seen by my 23,000 twitter followers. See the benefits of making good friends daily?

Practical Tips: write guest posts, leave helpful blog comments, share content across social networks.

3) Treat Making Money Online like Going to School

Take notes on this post. Open up a note pad. Go ahead, right now. I will wait for you. After reading the entire post and taking notes, study the notes for 10 or 20 minutes, just like you would study notes in school. Memorize the notes.

Then put the notes into action, acting on my advice. Do 30 minutes of personal development. Make good friends. Then leave helpful comments and write guest posts and share content across social networks.

You passed. You made the grade. You took notes, studied and applied what you learned, to make money online.

4) Create Value

Once you study after taking notes, apply what you learn. Create value through your blog. Shoot videos. Create ebooks. By helping people for free you eventually get paid for helping people. Prospects see you are not trying to make money off of them. You want to help, so people help you by buying your product or service, or joining your home business team.

Create at least 1 piece of content daily, whether you post to your blog, or write a guest post or shoot a video. Establish your expertise. Money values value, as when you persistently create value you receive value.

5) Solve Problems

Creating value is good but solving problems is better. Check out this post; you know by now that over 90% – or more – of bloggers or online entrepreneurs make money online regularly. Most people make thousands, if not hundreds, if not a few dollars. A large crowd makes $0 online. I wrote this post to solve this problem.

Use the tips. Once you see how I can solve your problems you are likely to subscribe to my list, or visit my blog, and we can become good friends, and both parties prosper as you join my gifting team, or hire me out for my ghostwriting services, or click on my Adsense Ads.

6) Open Up Multiple Income Streams

Wow. This is the lesson of lessons. For a long time I tried to make money online through 1 stream. I made some money but I worked too hard for minimal returns. I became upset, and depressed, then realized that successful online entrepreneurs open up multiple incomes streams to prosper using their skill set.

I decided to write articles. I added the above mentioned streams too, in the form of Adsense, and my ghostwriting services. When I detached a bit on gifting and worked these other streams I prospered through all channels.

Think like a wealthy person. Open multiple streams of income, capitalizing on your skill set.

Your Turn

What tips can you add to this list? share with us your thoughts in the comment section 😉

Show Some Love
  1. Chity Anis said on April 15, 2013 3:01 pm:

    It’s my pleasure to feature Ryan’s post on my blog he’s trulty a great person, commentDX group is an amazing Idea , I really liked the way you handle it thanks for stopping by 😀

  2. Nirmala said on April 15, 2013 6:40 pm:

    Hi Ryan,

    Another nice and useful post from you.

    Thanks for sharing the remarkable tips to make money online.

    Hope, am following some of these, but will practice to do the remaining tips soon 🙂

    Thanks for writing and sharing!

  3. Ige Orhionkpaibima said on April 16, 2013 4:14 pm:

    Realy love this post and Anis love for making online money tips.Solving peoples problem to me is the surest way to makein money online.Just created a blog for a client in less than 3 days and got me some xtra cash…thanks for the post n your love forr money making tips

  4. Thejas Kamath said on April 16, 2013 6:10 pm:

    Hey Ryan,

    You have mentioned really powerful tips above. I agree making friends and building good relationship with others is very important. I’m making new friends daily (mainly on FB, Twitter and Google+).

    Hoping to see more posts from you on Emitez.

  5. Alan Oliver said on April 16, 2013 9:27 pm:

    Thanks for posting this interesting article. There are some good points here, especially the point about creating value.
    Value is key in business and in reaching out to people and will be the cornerstone of any long term success in making money online.

  6. Babanature said on April 16, 2013 11:36 pm:

    Hello Anis,
    What a wonderful tips you rolled out. To be honest with you, the tips are right on point so no objection. Thanks

  7. Harleena Singh said on April 18, 2013 12:12 pm:

    Hi Ryan, and welcome to Anis’s blog (though it’s my first visit here too!)

    Good to see myself having landed on your guest post here 🙂

    These are surely great tips to make money online that most people would love to learn about. Speaking of myself, I’ve yet to start making money from my blog, or shall I say that’s never been my aim so far. Nevertheless, as they say, it’s never too late – so lets see I might just start with it too some day.

    Thanks for sharing these with us. Have a nice day, both of you 🙂

  8. Sue Neal said on April 18, 2013 5:45 pm:

    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for these great tips. I like the idea of making a commitment to produce a piece of content every day, but I struggle with this because I’m such a slow writer!

    I think I’d add that you need to work out your own strategy – there are so many different avenues you can go down and we each have to discover what’s going to work for us, depending on our particular strengths.

    You also have to keep pace with change – things are moving so fast online, you can’t afford to get left behind.


  9. Chity Anis said on April 19, 2013 9:19 am:

    it’s Not a problem James , Done thanks for coming by 😀

  10. Vin Dicarlo said on April 21, 2013 9:53 am:

    I am always looking for informative post. And I got this here. Thanks For Share

  11. Jennifer Hardy said on April 21, 2013 3:27 pm:

    These 6 ways are really very useful to make money online. Opening multiple income stream solving various problems will help us to get rid of online money making problems.

  12. Dalia said on April 21, 2013 8:19 pm:

    This is the kind of stuff that should be pinned on everyone’s wall.
    I’ve known this stuff for years now but I think that only one – making friends everyday – have been implemented so far.

    Thank you for this great reminder, Ryan.

  13. Ahtasham said on April 21, 2013 10:03 pm:

    You have provided just amazing information about making money online over the web. I shall also follow your tips and tricks to make my blog better according to the needs of search engine.

  14. Sarmista Aun said on April 23, 2013 7:19 am:

    Hi Chity,
    Thanks for this effective tips. It is really beneficial to make friends online by leaving a comment. It helps to create a bonding.

  15. Theodore Nwangene said on April 26, 2013 7:45 am:

    So good to have you here Ryan,
    The truth is that making money online is not as easy as most people think neither is it a rocket science. One of the best way that you mentioned here is networking and building relationship with other bloggers.

    Make friends because they are the ones that will promote you. Its never easy to do it all alone you know.

    Another tip is to respect and be sincere to yourself, build up your brand and people will start trusting and believing in you.

    Nice post Ryan, thanks for coming.

  16. Mubashir said on April 30, 2013 1:25 pm:

    Hey Anis,

    Nice 6 round up tips to making money. I want to add a short line. “Think like a pro”

  17. Bhanupriya said on May 2, 2013 3:35 am:

    Awesome tips for a newbie like me. Learn lots of new things about make money online for this wonderful posts.

  18. Terry said on May 26, 2013 5:32 pm:

    Definitely agree with this post. Personally I am a fan of working effectively. I would rather spend 1 or 2 hours producing concrete value than spending 6 hours fiddling around.

  19. saqib said on June 26, 2013 6:49 pm:

    Thats an excellent post! I visited here first time and glad that I found it! Thanx for useful tips

  20. Mr. Techtiplib said on August 21, 2013 4:11 am:

    Your ideas are good, I’ve read all and very thank you! And I think the time spend per day is not 30 minutes, should from 1-2 hours per day!!!

  21. Kevinson said on September 21, 2013 6:16 pm:

    I am really fired up to make money online after reading this post. Thanks a ton, Ryan and Anis!

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