How To Make Money Auto Blogging

January 13, 2013 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Make Money Blogging

How To Make Money Auto Blogging

Auto blogs are an easy and profitable way to make money online since you don’t have to put any effort in writing the content. you have just to set up a blog drive traffic to it and you are ready to see money roll in

here is a step by step guide to how to start a successful blog (auto blog)

Choose a Niche

How To Make Money Auto Blogging

this is the first and most important step,choosing a niche you have to choose a profitable niche in order to make money . here is a list of 20 most profitable niches online

Buy a Domain

Buy a Domain

get a domain that includes your keywords, domain names are not expensive you can get a domain for $10 a year, if you don’t want to spend anything you can get a free dot com domain from

Monetizing your Auto Blog

Monetize Your Blog


the best method to monetize your auto blog is promoting affiliate products, use Clickbank or amazon associates and pick up a product related to your niche.

Content For Your Auto Blog

Content For Your Auto Blog
if you don’t want to write the content yourself you have to find a way to get free content for your auto blog there are two ways if you are at wordpress you can use wp-o-matic this plugin turns RSS feeds into posts and automatically posts to your worpress blog ,the second way for blogger (blogspot) users UAW  you can use this service to have articles posted directly into your blog !


Ping Your Auto Blog 

pinging helps your blog content get indexed by the search engines you have to ping your blog everytime you publish new content
if you are in wordpress you can use pingler to automatically ping your blog everytime is updated
there is no plugin for blogger to automatically ping your blog so we will use feedburner for pinging our blog automatically here’s how to enable pingshot on feedburner :
log-in to your feedburner account 
the click on publicize
  now click on ” Pingshot ” to enable the automated pinging feature
Now whenever you publish new content pingshot will notify interested services automatically

Getting Traffic for Your Auto Blog

Getting Traffic for Your Auto Blog
now you have a ready auto blog you only need traffic to make money with it.

To build a successful blog you need to generate traffic here are some ways to drive traffic to your auto blog
3 unusual ways to get free traffic
2 very easy ways to boost your blog traffic
3 simple ways to get free targeted web traffic

Now you are done !  if you want to make more money just start another auto blog the more auto blog you create the more money you can make
you can use AdSense or and other PPC sites to make money with your blog CPA networks are also a good way to monetize your auto blog. there are many ways to make money blogging and auto blogging is one of them.

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