Businesses! Make best use of Social media

September 2, 2013 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Twitter Marketing

We all know business is a very tough industry in today’s world as you try to compete with other companies for customers and sales. That’s why utilising social media to its full extent is so important, you can find the likes and dislikes of your customers, post photos of products and announce offers, competition and deals to millions of people at the click of the button.

It is a fact already that in 2013 54% of all marketers acquired a customer through Facebook and nearly 36% of all marketers found a customer via twitter and this area is only going to grow. It is important to decide what the best means is for you and how you go about it, as one mistake can be fatal.

Social media use
Social media use

It is important to note that on any given day half of the 1.15 billion users on Facebook log on to the network, so you’re potentially reaching out to nearly 600 million people every day! Now of course you’re never going to reach them all but even if it’s just a tiny percent of 600 million think about how much that could change in your business.

If you want to learn more about social media facts then check out our infographic!

Infograph –

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  1. Aras Androck said on September 24, 2013 3:43 pm:

    So better take advantage of social media to position our business better. And to reach a much wider market.

  2. Sebastian said on October 23, 2013 2:21 pm:

    Great information! I’ve been promoting myself so hard using Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. And this seems to be the way to go now since Google is penalizing the shady tactics of using SEO for promotion.